Sunday, May 22, 2011

Carrots, Apples & Pears

We've tried all sorts of solids since the last update.  After peas, we explored carrots.  The tears from Alex pretty much sum up how that adventure went...

 A big thumbs down from Alex.

 Will really will eat almost anything (almost)...

The switch over to fruit was appreciated by everyone.  Apples were a hit, but pears really were by far the most loved by both of my critters.  

We went a new direction with taste and texture this afternoon.  I mixed turkey with apples and for the first time, Alex couldn't get enough and Will was repulsed.  The stuff truly looks awful but I suppose they have to try meat at some point.  Butternut squash is next up...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Night Lights & Night Tackling

Sometimes both of the boys happen to have a bad day on the SAME day.  I stayed home one day last week because Alex started the morning with a temperature and clearly was not feeling well.  Will didn't miss a beat and joined in on the fussy fun.  Once it became obvious that both of the boys were not feeling well, I was not surprised when they started with the tears and hysterical crying.  Nothing is more exciting than two babies crying hysterically as loud as they can AT THE SAME TIME.  I snapped these pictures shortly after a really gruesome episode of synchronized hysterics...

As you can see, my attempt to distract them with their night light worked like a charm.  Will was transfixed and insisted on cuddling with his new friend while he calmed down...

The glow of that night light has become a familiar sight the last few nights.  Both Alex and Will have not been sleeping well.  Our frequent attempts to calm them down have ended with me sleeping with one or the other on the futon in their room.  This lack of good sleep has dramatically increased my "night tackling".  Every time poor Aaron tries to roll over at night, I grab him (in my sleep) because I think that he is a baby rolling off of the bed.  Apparently, I was so frantic the other night that I went the extra mile and threw my leg over him during one (of the two) tackling sessions.  I must add that on the very same night, I also managed to sweep nearly all of the picture frames off of my nightstand in my sleep. There was one point that I recall standing over the mess semiconscious and confused, but that hazy memory has not helped me piece together what really happened.  Moral of the story, I need more sleep otherwise I do crazy things.  Wish us luck tonight...Aaron is going to need it.

P.S. I forgot to mention that Alex tore the ENTIRE mobile off of his crib last night.  What shocked me the most was that he managed to throw it to the opposite end of the crib.  He must have inherited his night strength from me. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

8 Months

Our little boys are growing up and changing constantly.  Just yesterday they were teeny, tiny little babies that took nearly an hour (and a lot of careful positioning) to eat 30 ml of milk.  Now, they guzzle 6 ounces or more in a matter of minutes.  Before we know it, they will have mastered sippy cups and started finger foods.  This love (and demand) for food has led to some BIG, happy and healthy boys.  At the doctor's office on Friday Alex tipped the scales at 19 pounds 5 ounces!  Will was not far behind at 17 pounds 13 ounces.  It is hard to believe that they barely weighed 5 pounds (Will was a little under) when they came home from the hospital.  Now they are wearing 12 month clothing and popping socks off of their pudgy feet...

Some of the little things that I love about you both right now...
You are using their little hands to explore and embrace my face.  I really enjoy watching you constantly reach out for each other too - pats on the head, palms to the face and fingers grabbing noses.  You use ALL of the crib when you have the wiggles.  Everything you grab goes in your mouth and you are equally adept at picking up little things and wrestling awkward things.  You almost always wake up with a smile and if you are not hungry you will play quietly in your crib until someone comes to gather you up.


You are so social and you always have a smile ready.  However, there are still things that make you sad or nervous...a few recent examples include pinatas (kids with sticks might be the bigger issue), carrots and your brother stealing whatever you currently have in your hands (or your mouth).  You splashed through your bath today and really seemed comfortable sitting up like a big boy.  One of these days you will be able to sit up on your own.  For now we practice and use the bumbo or booster chair for help.  When you were in your bumbo yesterday, your were twisting and grabbing everything around you.  You really loved the loud crashes that all of your toys (and tubberware) made when you threw them on the floor.  Once you advance past rolling, I think that we will both be burning a lot of calories...


You like to quietly assess every new situation with a lot of looking and turns of your head.  Standing up is hands down, your preferred big boy activity right now.  The lopsided grin you flash whenever we hold you up shows us just how proud you are of your new skill.  Eating solids is another one of your current favorites.  That little mouth of yours will gobble up anything and you make delicious "mmm" sounds whenever you like what you are eating.  The last two nights you were wide-eyed and awake every time I looked in to check on you.  Whenever you saw me sneaking a peek, you smiled big behind your binkie and kicked up a storm.  When you finally fell asleep, you had one leg up in the air resting on the bumper, it looked just like a picture of me sleeping when I was little.  You don't seem to be in a hurry to crawl, but I have a feeling that when you do start moving you will want to skip that step and move on your legs instead...

We love you both so much!
P.S. Feel free to slow down, kick up your feet and stay little for awhile.  
No hurry, really...

Mother's Day

Nothing beats the winning combination of bacon, tulips and a spa gift certificate.  My first Mother's Day was so wonderful, Aaron really knocked it out of the park.  Breakfast (and dinner) was made with love and tasted scrumptious.  Spending the day with three of the most special men made me incredibly happy...



The best of the best...

Thank you for the amazing day!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Little Boy(s) Blue

Little boys in blue sweaters...need I say anything more?



Sunday, May 1, 2011


I am determined to make the boys try a few vegetables before we ease into the easy, sweet and sensational flavors of fruit.  As always, they had differing opinions about my latest culinary adventure...

Alex gave the peas a BIG thumbs down.  I have found that he (Will too) will get frustrated and cry whenever he is tired or REALLY hungry...

Will AND Goose really seemed to like the new flavor.  Typical Goose, she prefers being right in the middle of the action...

This was her reaction after discovering that she was in the "sneeze splatter" zone. (If you look closely, you can see specks of peas between her eyes).  I think that she and the boys are going to try carrots next.