Nine months have flown by and I am wishing desperately for time to slow down so that I can truly enjoy every second. I want to remember so many little things...the sound of your belly laughs...the feel of your fluttery little fingers exploring my earrings...your distinct, delicious and indescribable smell...the sight of your blonde heads bent over the same toy. At the same time, every uncharted moment brings us something new, and I am loving all of the discoveries, accomplishments and firsts that arrive with each new day.

We are both goofy, crazy, head over heals in love with you. The silly words, rhymes, wiggles, peek-a-boo sessions, songs and dance fests are part of our every day routine. Now that we know how to earn a giggle, we are performing every chance we get. Currently, eating your belly and tickling your feet do the trick. However, the cats are fast becoming a favorite amusement. Yesterday I sneezed and it was worthy of a good chuckle. In short, you are happy babies until the lack of sleep or food makes you cranky.

Speaking of food, you love everything that I make for you (except carrots). The "mmmmm" noise that you both make when you are hungry is still hilarious to me. Alex, you greet every spoonful with a look of disgust no matter what it is. Of course, if it is something you like, your attitude changes after the first bite. Will, you eat anything in sight until a cat wanders by and then I have to stand on my head and make sputtering biplane loop-de-loops to get the spoon in your mouth again. The craziest thing that I have made you eat so far is an asparagus, leek and sweet potato stew. I am looking forward to sharing more yummy fruits and veggies with you as the summer season progresses.
You often keep quiet and wait until you are around familiar people before you open up with your chatter and smiles. The last few times we went out to visit family or friends, you were overwhelmed and cried. Just when I started telling people you were shy, you changed your colors and become the social butterfly. Not even the latest challenge, large dogs with their slobbery tongues, could stir up a whimper or a frown.

Besides crowds, sudden or new noises make you nervous and beach balls flat out terrify you. Whenever I leave the room or your sight, you start whimpering or crying immediately. During every bath you spent the entire time splashing up a storm, literally soaking everything within a 10 foot radius (including me). When you eat you shove your right fist in your mouth after every bite. You LOVE the cats and want help walking over to them so that you can charm them with your "doddammmmamma" babble while you grab a fistful of fur. I put you in the walker today and you stood up and started moving right away. You were incredibly pleased with yourself and I was a proud puddle on the floor. Those little feet of yours have always been kicking and I have a feeling that you are going to hit the floor running as soon as you master the moves.
You are one happy and gregarious little boy. Everyone gets a grin from you and when you are really fired up, you squeal and shout. We love the sounds that you make and are constantly impressed by the range and pitch and volume that you achieve. You are always on the move. Stealing toys from your brother or others is your favorite activity right now. It's pretty amazing watching how fast you will move across the room if you see someone having fun without you. When I am out of sight you crawl until you find me, complaining loudly during the entire trek.

You LOVE the bouncy chair and when you are in it the whole house shakes. Now you are bouncing in our laps, the high chair and the walker (the last two don't work out so well). Sleep is clearly a waste of time for you. Naps and bed time are greeted with tears. Lately, you will even wake up out of a sound sleep crying hysterically. This pattern of crying until I come in, gather you up and sleep with you is starting to make us wonder just how good you are at manipulating know-it-all adults. You are inches away from flat out crawling. Every chance you get, you are doing push-ups and rocking back and forth on your hands and knees. We are in trouble when all the pieces click into place.
We love you...
Daddy & Mommy