You are gone and I wasn't even close to ready for the departure. I am adrift, numb and blurry around the edges. You were my best friend, my confidante, my inspiration, my teacher, my buoy, my glass 3/4 full reminder that life is truly grand. I know I must move on and I will, but it seems so impossible right now.
Please know that I am grateful for everything that you have given me. From start to finish, you literally spent your life carefully stitching love into every fiber of my being. You created a masterpiece out of your life. You pulled all of the little pieces together and made a beautiful, colorful, heart warming story.
Thank you for being a survivor, a listener and a positive person. You never faltered and we all love you for showing us that with a big enough heart, anything can be done. Your stories will live on. Your friends, children and grandchildren will remember you and you will be cherished a million times over by the army of people that you have touched.
You were the best mother in the world and I will wake up every morning and do my best to honor you. I will never forget the sacrifices you made, the love you shared and the monumental example that you set for the rest of us to follow.
I love you with all of my heart...
Your Little One
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Last month the boys had a chance to experience life at the Oregon coast for a week. Our second annual family gathering in Newport was absolutely blissful. The weather was perfect, the cousins were adorable, the whales were on the move and I had a chance to catch up with the people that I love most.
Alex snuggled with Aaron and avoided the cold water...
Once the sun set, it was time for rousing games
of Uno, Hearts and everyone's favorite- Mexican Train...
Luckily, the boys slept like champs EVERY night so I could
win all of the card games...until Mama started playing Hearts...
Eating watermelon on the deck and visiting the aquarium
were two of the top highlights...
We loved the jellyfish (big and small)...

The cousins loved Grandma Kat's stories...
We relaxed inside...
We relaxed outside...
Will clearly couldn't wait to pack up and head out...
When we finally arrived, we set up shop
and headed to the beach...
and headed to the beach...
Alex snuggled with Aaron and avoided the cold water...
Will watched the waves and walked in the sand with me...
The boys were delighted by the sight of scattered toys
and cousins constructing sandcastles...
of Uno, Hearts and everyone's favorite- Mexican Train...
(Kudos to Mama for researching MT and writing out the rules on a napkin.
It turns out we needed all the help we could get AND less players).
win all of the card games...until Mama started playing Hearts...
Eating watermelon on the deck and visiting the aquarium
were two of the top highlights...
Will LOVED the sharks...
We loved the jellyfish (big and small)...
Alex wasn't too impressed...
The cousins loved Grandma Kat's stories...
We relaxed inside...
We relaxed outside...
We can't wait to do it again next year.
Thanks for the wonderful week Grandma Kat!
Monday, September 5, 2011
11 Months
You two sure do like to move these days. Under highchairs and over end tables, you climb and crawl through anything whether you fit or not. Your favorite game involves the little red ball that I brought home for you a few weeks ago. Fights over that ball occur daily which inevitably lead to a rowdy army crawl crash derby all over the house. Once the ball has been forgotten (darn goldfish memory) you immediately crawl to the sliding glass door and pound on it. This pounding has frightend the poor goldfinches off the feeder in the backyard more times that I can count. (Who said stray cats were the most dangerous thing for wild birds?)
Both of you are experimenting with sippy cups. That is a nice way of saying that you are still in the throwing and banging stage. I am proud to say that you managed to nearly drink a whole bottle today before losing focus. Drinking water (which is often carbonated) straight from my cup makes you kick with pride and burp in miniature. Cheerios are now consumed by the fistful. I have been handing over the spoon to let you practice and the results are exactly what I expected...amusing.
You both still take shifts and cry out in the middle of the night. I have no doubt that most of your discomfort is the result of your top teeth pushing through. You both think that you are brilliant whenever you pull yourselves to the standing position in your cribs (which is all the time). Lately, I have started pushing your cribs together so that you can stand and look at each other. This usually ends with several rounds of eye gouging and hair pulling.
I am now officially rubbing your tooth nubs with a washcloth during your evening tubby time. You each still get to splash solo because it is the only way to keep all of us out of the emergency room. Your frenzied rolls and kicks remind me of a freshly netted salmon. Oh how I love my crazy little fish!
The cats no longer casually lounge when you are on the ground. You are determined to "pet" them whenever they are within eyesight or reach and the end result is always a fistful of fur. We now encourage the cats to run when you are on a seek and destroy mission. The funny thing is, they really don't seem to mind your attention one bit (thank goodness).
You still love cruising the house in the walker. When I called your name last night during brother's tubby time you hit the brakes mid-hallway, backed up and rolled into the bathroom with a great big smile that was clearly just for me.
Determined and charming are two words that easily describe you. When you are frustrated or want to show your independence you lock your arms, make fists and turn red. Your intensity in these moments reminds me of the Incredible Hulk during his transformation (minus the green and the muscles).
The flexibility and range of your personality fascinates me. One moment you will be quietly and very seriously examining something and the next you are flashing that heart melting smile and sprinkling a few giggles in for good measure. I love how you turn all your noises into a sweet little melody and literally sing when you are at your happiest.
The warmth and vibrations of all our major appliances beckon to you like a porch light calls to a moth. Every time I turn around you are standing with your palms against the washing machine, dishwasher or dryer. This morning you stood by yourself for a few seconds without holding on to anything. We were both surprised and delighted. I have to watch you carefully because you try and squeeze that wonderfully large head of yours into spots that are a bit too small.
You love to make BIG noises and bang whatever is in your hands on any available surface. Cheerios dance off your highchair after high impact slapping. You love to drum on the side of the tub with me while we fill it up with water. Splashing during your tubby makes you squeal in super sonic, barely audible notes. I abosolutely love that sound and want to remember it forever.
Two words that easily describe you are animated and amiable. You are always in motion, even when you are sitting. Those legs and arms of yours like to move together which really gives you an advantage when splashing or pounding. That smile of yours will earn you a million friendships and (I hate to say it) get you out of heaps of trouble. A little food or snuggle is all you need to reverse your gears from sad to happy. Even at 3:30 a.m., by the light of a nightlight, you have my heart in an instant with your sleepy grin.
We love you both to the moon and back...
Mommy & Daddy
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