Life has been busy. Amongst the chaos, there is always gratitude for each and every precious moment that I get to spend with you. The world around me is always moving forward and I wouldn't be able to keep up without my wonderful little men (and their Daddy too).
When I am not chasing after you or breaking up your brotherly battles, I notice all of the latest little things that make you both so special. The way you point at everything with a grand sweep of your arm. The twinkle in your eyes when you are caught playing with the diaper pail (again and again). The clicking noise you make with your tongue when you both are pleased or think something is tasty. The fascination you have with the shutters in the living room...

Exploration is now a constant in your world. You started crawling properly and walking along the walls and furniture during your visit to Southern Oregon in mid-September. (I don't think that hotel room will ever be the same). Now you both are determined to empty every drawer within reach. In a matter of seconds, Ziploc baggies are tugged out of boxes, toilet paper is spun off of its core and the house plants are trimmed and aerated (this is not a good thing). If you could coordinate your efforts (I will undoubtedly be replacing a couch and hiding the car keys when this does happen) you would be stealthier, but for now, you just have to deal with smashing each others fingers in drawers and doors as you whirl through the house together.

Feeding time in our house is not for the faint of heart. There is a reason that you go directly from your highchairs to the tub after dinner. Flinging finger foods and slurping from your sippy cups is old news. Now you are dueling with your spoons and using your tongue to spit out any food that doesn't agree with you. Green beans, hummus and fried eggs are a few of your new top favorites. Old standbys are still yogurt, Daddy's pancakes and pea stew. We are inches away from throwing out the rest of your bottles. Your pacifiers have already been forgotten.

Tubby time is greeted with grins and commenced with unabashed splashing. You both throw a whole body fit when I lift you out and start to towel you off. Lately I have been singing you the hokey pokey while putting on your pj's and you reward me with clapping and giggles. We always settle down with a bottle and a few books before lights out. Gratefully you both are comforted by the routine and don't fuss when I leave the room. If only I could say the same thing about nap time. I suppose if there weren't babies like you, the doctors touting the latest "sleep training" methods would be out of business.
You spend most of your time smiling and making a variety of creative noises. I love that you are content with sitting and playing by yourself. Lately you have started looking through books and "reading" them out loud. Usually the story sounds something like this..."bah-um bah-um babaummm bah." Your signature sound combines the "ahhh" noise and with the slapping of your palm against your mouth. The motor boat "brrrrr" noise is another one of my favorites.
You soak me, the cat and 3/4 of the bathroom with your frenzied splashing during every bath time. I try and use the shower curtain liner as a shield but that inevitably turns into a game of peek-a-boo that somehow involves you grabbing and pulling with all of your might. Drinking from the rinse cup, squirty toys and your plastic boats also gives you a quick thrill.
One of our newest challenges involves you using your teeth to express yourself. Often you nip me on the shoulder when you are excited, but you will also bite your brother or others when you are frustrated. A week or so ago, your antics landed you in your own corral at school. We are looking forward to hearing you use more words to communicate in the near future. Besides "Dada" and "Mama" you are pretty close to trying out "kitty".
Both you and your brother decided to get sick separately and each took a week off from school right around your birthday. The cold bug claimed you first and you made sure to sneak one last ear infection (that's number 4) in before turning one. All of your snuggling melted our hearts, but your listless little noodle body made us worry. We knew you were feeling better when you started exploring and smiling again.
You love being held so you can snuggle and watch the world all around you. The little people that came with your birthday trucks are your constant companions. In fact, the steady "clack clack clacking" of you crawling across the house with a little person clutched in your hand is a part of our daily soundscape. Depending on your mood, the gate at your bedroom door is greeted with either extreme frustration or fascination. Your impeccable manners compel you to shut it after you every time you pass through (often on your brother).
If there is a cord, switch, floor lamp or cat, you will find a way to fiddle with it. You just recently started to fake a laugh and just this morning you started saying "ut-ohh". The "Hulk" fits have transitioned into crying and hair pulling. We are both looking forward to seeing more of your personality peek through all the different layers of you.
You two are truly one of a kind...
Love You!
Daddy & Mama