Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First Snow Day

It's hard to believe that we woke up to several inches of snow a week ago.  The boys and I stayed home for a few hours so that we could celebrate our first official snow day (well, sort of).

Will boldly walked out, investigated and promptly got a bloody nose...

Alex hesitated at the door and eventually decided to sit down while exploring.  This made him very wet and very unhappy...

It figures...after anxiously waiting for the sun to rise, they lasted no more than 4 minutes outside.  Good thing we are headed for blue sky and spring sunshine!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

16 Months

Your moods the past few weeks remind me of the weather this winter- warm and unbelievably sunny one moment, then dark and stormy the next.  Honestly, I am grateful to witness the swing from tantrums to giggle fests (and sometimes back to tantrums) because it shows the depth of character that you both have.  I love that you are individuals with pronounced opinions and thoughts. I am also keenly aware that those very traits will baffle and frustrate me later on (believe me, I know).

You two have been biting A LOT lately.  Not only are you biting each other, you are biting other kiddos at school.  The sunny side (sticking with the weather metaphor) to this situation is that you are not biting hard or biting maliciously.  Apparently, biting is common among singletons and even more common among twins.

Right now your 10 teeth are working overtime to make points (literally) that words cannot. I can only imagine how interesting it will be to hear you two interact once you can articulate your feelings... 

A few weeks ago you both signed "more" during your pre-breakfast ritual of bananas, milk and cheerios. Now you sign "more" whenever you want something and follow-up with the sign for "please" when you know you are asking for something that you may not get (smart boys).

You are stepping up your interaction with each other- pats on the head, sharing cheerios and sippy cups in the highchairs, grabbing feet through the bars of the crib after lights out.

Exploring outside is one of your favorite things to do. Bark chips, rocks, slugs, moss...everything is worth investigating up close. I am excited about the promise spring sunshine and long hours of daylight. Seeing you discover and delight over simple yet magical things makes me oh-so-happy.


You love pushing all the buttons on the alarm clock, trying to chew on the phone charger and turning on the headlamp that Daddy uses to read in bed at night. The drain and the shampoo bottle are currently two of the most fascinating things about bath time.  Whenever your brother is in the tub, you approach and throw a leg up on the edge like a ballerina stretching at the barre.

"Ut-oh" is your preferred word and I recently noticed that you meow like a cat. You will do it when I am making cat sounds at story time, but I think that your inspiration for the "mawh" sound is Goose's constant howling.

I love that you adore being chased and can't get enough of your excited zigging, zagging escape route that ends with you in a heap of giggles half of the time. 

You LOVE to splash in the tub and if I introduce a bar of soap to the mix, you and your little hands are completely occupied.  Too bad you (and your brother) try to eat soap whenever it comes in the solid form. 

The book It's Time For Bed is a major part of your play routine. You like to prop it on the futon in your room and flip through the pages.  The pine needles three doors down grab your attention every time we go to the park and your head is on a swivel during every journey out, making forward (and upward) progress nearly impossible.

I love that you wake up with a smile and let your brother do all of the crying while you sit patiently and wait for us to scoop you up and start your day.

We love you both to the moon and back...