Friday, December 24, 2010


We all grow up with traditions, whether intended or not, big or small, they are a part of our memories.  One of the best parts about being a parent is the joy of carrying on old traditions and creating new ones.  The holidays seem to naturally be full of opportunities to do that very thing. 

Reflecting back, I remember the years that Santa left ash boot prints on the hearth.  One year in particular I was lucky enough to hear the jingle of sleigh bells and reindeer stomping on the roof overhead (seriously).  The images of our handmade stockings (my mama is crafty) and our decked out tree are still sharp in my mind today.

Since I don't own a sewing machine and I refuse to let Aaron on the roof in December, we will have to rely on other creative ways to make memories during the holiday season.  I can't wait to experience things with our two little guys and I know that no matter what we do, our time together as a family and WITH family is the most important.

Some of the little traditions that have made it into our routine this year...

-My Tradition-
Planting amaryllis bulbs around Thanksgiving 
so they bloom in time for Christmas.

 -Our Tradition-
Buying an ornament that symbolizes 
something special to remember for the year.

-Old Tradition-
Decking the halls with quilts and stockings
(my mama is still crafty).

-Shared Childhood Tradition-
Watching this classic movie at least twice 
(usually on Christmas eve and Christmas day). 
-New Tradition-
Taking these two to visit Santa.

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