On Christmas day you were officially 3 months old. Alex, you weighed 13 pounds and William, you weighed 12 pounds. You are both nearly too big for most of your 3 month clothing and have started wearing some 6 month pants. I would love to know how long you are but you won't stop pedaling your legs long enough for me to measure you. You are still tag teaming your naps so that one of you can get attention at all times. Six hours seems to be your personal best for sleeping at night (no matter how hard I try, 2:00 am is still a favorite wake up time). Even though we are not waking you up every three hours to eat, you both still prefer that schedule and will go from peaceful babies to screaming babies almost instantly when you realize what time it is. When I put you both together someone always has to have a hand on or near the others face (now that you are holding things like rattles someone is always getting hit). One of my favorite things to do is read to you and one of your least favorite things is tummy time.

You both continue to find new ways to make us proud, coo-crazy puddles of parents. Besides us, you have charmed the socks off of everyone with your grins. You have discovered your tongue and make all sorts of marvelous faces with it. Whenever we go out at least half a dozen people stop and marvel over you. We both are over the moon in love with you guys and we cherish all of the new ways that you make the world shine.
You were the charmer at the family Christmas gathering this year. Those blue eyes were open the WHOLE time we were at Grandma and Grandpa's. Everyone enjoyed meeting you and you certainly enjoyed checking out all of the new faces and bright lights.
Your favorite game lately is to use your ''pay attention to me cries" if we happen to be doing something other than adoring you. When we fall for it, you smile at us as soon as you see us (this happens often around bed time). What a silly little man you are! I could sit and stare into your eyes all day.
You still love to sleep. Even though you hardly opened your eyes for the Christmas crowd, you were still special enough to earn your own pillow fort on the couch, courtesy of Damon. When you did sneak a peak, the lights on the Christmas tree and the ceiling fan were your favorites.
You still enjoy snuggling and staying close. I could sit and hold you all day and sometimes, you are only content with the world if you are in my arms. Those little grins that you share light up our lives. Often you are the first one to wake up in the early hours of the morning and you make sure I know that you are hungry NOW!