Sunday, April 17, 2011

7 Months

You two still stop traffic whenever we go out and about.  I am getting pretty good at driving the double stroller through crowds and around tight corners in the store (the people that stop and ask me if you are twins are the trickiest thing to navigate).  A few weeks ago, we noticed that you are fighting over toys already.  In fact, your favorite game involves stashing all of the toys out of each others reach.  Whether scheming together or alone, it is very apparent that you enjoy having a brother to keep you company.

You save your giggles for cheek kissing, stomach nibbling and zurperts.  Dr. Seuss's ABC Alphabet Book is your favorite right now. Whenever I am reading a story, you really prefer that I ONLY show you the pictures instead of sharing them with your brother.  Everything still goes in your mouth and your intense stare tracks all of the food that travels to our mouths.  You nearly wrestled my coffee out of my hand today, so I went out and bought you a fancy cup of your own (sans coffee).  The sippy cup is uncharted territory for you but once you get the hang of it, you will be triumphant (and hopefully less grabby when it comes to our beverages).


Your gurgles, coos and constant happy babbling makes my heart shine.  No matter what you have to talk about, your brother is willing to listen.  Recently the world above you has captured your interest, especially the mobile over your crib.  The low dangly bumblebee had to retreat to higher ground and the dragonfly ended up soggy after a 10 minute flight in your mouth today.  You are the master of gentle, open handed touches and I love it when you use your hands to explore my face.  Rolling over is becoming second nature to you now, but you get frustrated and cry for help whenever you get stuck on your tummy.  As predicted, your wiggles at night almost always end with you sleeping soundly on your tummy. 

We love you both from the very top of your heads down to the tip of your yummy little toes...

Dad & Mom

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