Monday, August 15, 2011

10 Months & Counting

People are always stopping and admiring your beautiful blue eyes and your healthy size.  Many think that it's clever to tell me that my hands are full.  That much is literally true.  In fact, I hardly ever hold you at the same time because the end result is something similar to a chicken fight.  Even when I pick you up separately, whoever is not in my arms is often disgruntled.  However, more times than not, I catch you cruising the house side by side, sharing Cheerios and smiling at each other through the bars of your crib.  As you grow, the unique bond that you share as brothers will grow too.  My heart will always be full because I absolutely cannot imagine motherhood if it wasn't multiplied by two...

Right now older children are your biggest amusement and fascination.  As soon as you can keep up, I know you will be following your cousins and older friends right into the middle of imaginative play.  For now, you just have to make do with chasing after each other, the cats and your crazy parents.  Getting around the house FAST is not a problem for either of you.  The cat door, Daddy's office and the pantry are your favorite places to visit.

I feel like I am constantly feeding you.  Currently, you both LOVE watermelon and yogurt.  Two new favorite finger foods are swiss cheese and pieces of Daddy's famous pancakes.  Walks in your stroller put you to sleep and you both giggle and kick whenever I read you a story (which certainly doesn't help our bedtime routine move in the right direction).  We are trying to teach you the word "gentle"...which is a phrase that comes up a lot whenever my hair, earrings or the cats are involved.  More and more sounds are weaving into your vocabulary and we love to repeat your squeals and babbles and encourage you to use your voice.  You two are growing up fast and we are madly in love with you.


You love to grin and go with the flow.  The yoga moves that you pull off have me convinced that you will one day crawl with your belly off of the floor.  You still love to bounce in the bouncer and shriek whenever you are excited or happy (which is most of the time).  If you happen to be on your back when pure excitement hits, you move your arms and legs together in a frantic up and down motion that makes us laugh.  Lately, you like to scrunch your nose and breathe through your mouth really fast which shows off your two teeth.


You are a ferocious eater and like making noises with your lips whenever you have a mouth full of food (Translation: you spit food on your Mama ALL the time). Those little hands of yours love to pound on anything that will hold still.  Luckily, all of the bouncing, pounding, crawling and splashing that you do during the day helps you focus on sleeping through the night peacefully.  I am grateful that you still love to be held and cuddled because I could breathe in your smell and squeeze your delightfully chubby feet forever.


You are the explorer.  If there is a cord, steaming cup of coffee or a shoe within reach (or not) you do your best to get it in your grasp.  The walker is your secret weapon and you delight in reaching high speeds and navigating into the tightest of spots.  In fact, you prefer to be wedged (along with the two cats) in our teeny bathroom whenever I am giving your brother a bath.  You make this great noise that can best be described as a mix between a grunting old man and a wolf howling with its mouth closed.  Two bottom teeth have sprouted in your mouth and you still love to eat, even though you continue to be distracted by the cats or your Daddy 90% of the time.  Usually, you fall asleep without a fuss and make it through the night.  When you do wake up, you often mumble and groan (more old man noises that I love).


Moving via army crawl is not a problem, but you prefer to cruise upright with our help.  This morning you pulled yourself up from the sitting position in your crib.  You also love to twist and roll whenever I am changing your diaper.  No matter how silly or squirmy you are, I absolutely love that grin of yours.

Three cheers for our two unique little boys and their growing personalities (and friendship)...


                                                                                    Mommy & Daddy


  1. Lori & Aaron,

    I love your blog. Such fun watching the boys and your pictures are great.

    I encourage you to go to YouTube and watch the interviews of astronaut identical twins Mark and Scott Kelly. There's a series of about six short interviews. They talk about their childhood and the paths each took to becoming astronauts. It's also interesting that NASA didn't realize they'd accepted identical twins until the showed up for training.

    In one interview Scott expresses his amazement their mother did not drop them off at an orphanage at one stage of their lives when they fought hours on end everyday.

    Mark has just returned from flyin the last flight of the Endeavor space shuttle, and is married to Gabby Gifford, the congresswoman shot in the Tuson shooting.

    Scott returned in March from six months on the International Space Station.

  2. Lori,
    I love the pictures of the boys. Will in his stander looks like he is almost supporting himself. Alex up on all fours is ready for the race. And the picture at the kitty door just makes me laugh. It's so cute. Thank you for the post.

  3. Linda!

    Oh how I miss catching up with you. A stop by my old stomping grounds is in order... :)

    Thanks for following along and I appreciate the tip about Scott and Mark. What an amazing story!

  4. Sorry for the long wait between posts Grandma...more photos coming soon!
