Sunday, June 3, 2012

19 Months

 -Will & Alex-

Digging in my flower pots and throwing rocks are part of every trip outside. You both LOVE playing with water and always seek out a hose, bird bath or water can.  There is no end to your fascination and I can say without a doubt that there will be loads of sprinkler time this summer.

 -Will & Alex-

-Alex &Will-

Your love for black olives is serious.  If the pantry door is open, one of you will head over and start pointing at the cans and sweetly sign or say "peas".  I have trained you to stick out your fingers so that I can put an olive on the end.  (This makes me giggle and relish the power of parenthood).



Double tubby time is possible now that you are enjoying each others company more.  The boats that I bought for you months ago are now your preferred toy along with your big Easter buckets.  You delight in splashing me, each other and yourselves with the water you can scoop up with the bottom of the boats.  Tubby time always ends with one soaked mama, three soaked towels and two clean boys.

 -Will & Alex-

You are sleeping for nearly 2 hours after lunch at school.  Naps on the weekends only stick in the morning and we don't usually get a full 2 hours out of you unless you are feeling a little under the weather.

There are now 16 (4 molars) teeth in each of your crazy little mouths.  We are hoping that you hurry up and choose to use those teeth to eat instead of bite others.

Now that summer is nearly here, you are finally edging out of your 18 month clothes (tops) and working on getting tall enough to unroll your 24 month pants.  The cats are NOT excited about your growing mass, especially because you tend to sprawl out on top of them and scream in delight whenever they are close enough to tackle.


You are such a flirt.  Whenever we take you out and about you are all smiles.  The other day you nearly fell out of the grocery cart after performing your lean over, twinkle eyes and big smile routine for the latest female victim.  You pretty much make every other person light up with your waves and grin.

Words are not important to you yet, so you get what you need with sign language, emphatic pointing and good old gibberish.  You discovered cotton balls the other day and think it is hilarious to tear them up and try and eat them.  


Thank you for finding new ways to make us laugh and smile each day.


You are often the instigator and yet you are very shy when we are in a crowd.  When I come home, you will nearly always smile and run to me for "ups".  The new words and sounds keep coming and your "yeah" has turned into "yis, yis, yis".

Whenever you have a chance, you will dump out your blocks or legos so that you can stand on the bin that they are stored in.  Lately, you have been seriously fascinated by buckles and will spend lengthy amounts of time investigating your highchair and car seat.

 Thank you for showing us new ways to explore and create each day.

Good bye 19 months, hello 20. 
Where oh where does the time go? We both love you so...

1 comment:

  1. Girl you are so close to having 24 month boys! That is crazy! Your boys look so alike now I cna't tell which is which! SO did you put the red food marks on their noses and eyebrows? If so you are the coolest mom ever! I never thought to do that!
