-Will & Alex-
Our routine every night involves playing, dinner, tubby time, more playing and finally settling down for a few good stories. I started building forts one night before launching into reading and you two can't get enough of it. You could spend hours draping blankets and quilts over the sides your crib and playing peek-a-boo with each other.
-Will & Alex-
-Alex, Goose & Will-
-Alex & Will-
Potty time hasn't really developed beyond the first few exciting direct hits. You love using toilet paper and flushing but you just aren't into sitting on the toilet long enough for the results that we are looking for. The big boy thing you ARE interested in is sitting at the table instead of in your highchairs. This works for about 4 minutes and then you get excited and start standing up to dance or make an emphatic point to one of the cats.
-Will, Alex & Aaron-
Airplanes, helicopters, spiders, bugs, cars, trucks, dogs, birds and kitties ALL catch your attention these days. You love nectarines, corn and recently have tried eating a few more adult dinners with us.
Your dinosaur "rawr" is fierce and your need for independence is at an all time high. I have to outsmart and out muscle you during the first 8 rounds of every diaper bout. It's a miracle that one your flailing legs hasn't blackened one (or both) of my eyes.
You will put almost anything in your mouth. Hazelnut shells, shoes, rocks...there are no rules or limits to your taste testing. Those fingers of yours are all about experiencing the world around you as well. Just yesterday you buried your entire fist in a tomato that is still somehow clinging to the vine.
Sleeping at night has been tricky for you. It is routine now for you to wake us up at least twice a night with your demanding cries. There have been quite a few nights where I have fallen asleep on the futon holding your hand through the crib slats.
You are in constant motion and never pass up an opportunity to be funny. The range of emotions that you express is impressive. Your current fit throwing method seems to be the silent, theatrical and always amusing full body fling.
Whenever we are outside playing and exploring, you will indulge in
various taste tests just like your brother. Garden snails are one of
your favorite delicacies
and you have started eating dandelion "puffs" instead of blowing the
seeds off like a proper person would.
Tomorrow we get to celebrate your birthday and remember all of the little moments between when it all started and where we are now...
Mama & Daddy
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