Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 2013

Every day is Earth Day for you two.  In fact, I had to laugh when I found myself taking pictures of you both hugging all the neighborhood trees unprompted on Earth Day this year.

You HAVE to look under every single pot for worms and bugs every time you play outside.  When you do find worms you collect a handful before running over to the vegetable beds on the side of the house to release them in their new homes.

You think that the Duplo trains and tracks are the most fun, but you have been known to dabble in Lego soup cooking sessions and snake construction from time to time.

Getting ready for tubby time at the end of the day is the perfect excuse for you to run around the kitchen island a dozen times yelling 'I'm nakedddddddddddd!' (sans clothes of course).

Instead of reading books to you both at once, we have started reading you each a story after you lay down and get cozy. Your Daddy reads you stories during lights out after I kiss you a million times and exit stage left to clean-up your messes around the house.


The desire to 'help' is still running strong within you and you dash onto the scene and assist with the laundry, cooking, dishes and watering the yard on a daily basis. 


Everything is a ladybug...a dead fly, a nail in the wall, a dark knot in the wood floor. If you see something bigger than a speck anywhere it MUST be a ladybug.

You made me laugh the other day when you exclaimed that a shark bit you while you were swimming in the tub. Odds are, one of the cats will beat the sharks to it. Hold on to that wild adventurous spirit, it makes you sparkle.


You are all about people. Whether you are smiling, waving or just inquiring about what someone is doing or if they are okay, you are focused on others.

When your Daddy pretended to steal your nose, you were fascinated and delighted. Now all you want to do is steal other noses or your own. Yesterday you walked around with the silicon oven mitt pinching your nose, exclaiming 'it's got my nose'.

Whenever your brother is getting upset you tell him that it's 'going to be alright brother, don't worry'. Often, you are curious about what he is up to and will join in the high jinx, especially if it involves the cats. Thank you for always thinking of others, your kindness and friendly spirit makes you shine. 

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