Wednesday, September 4, 2013

August 2013

We followed up our camping trip at Diamond Lake with a quick trip to Crater Lake and Southern Oregon to catch up with family. Unfortunately, the forest fires were epic which meant that you couldn't see Crater Lake or hang outside with your cousins because of the poor air advisory.

You loved seeing your cousins, even if the trips to the swimming pool were quick...

-Aiden, Alex, Kellen, Liam, William & Ilse-

Right now you are all about trains, elephants, tomatoes, toast, catching slugs, smashing bugs, relocating worms, baking sandbox cakes, and playing in water...

We gear up and go on adventures whenever we can so you can use up all that energy to run like the wind and explore the little and big things in the world around you...

-Alex & Will-

Grazing in the vegetable garden is a daily ritual...




You discovered how free it feels to run naked and pee in the yard...



Your little hands and feet are into everything and you only slow down to refuel...


A few things about you...

Your favorite phrase is 'That's lucky...' (yucky)
You love reading The Worried Walrus every night
You hunt for Goose and harass her every chance you get
You insist that there is no ice with your water at bedtime
You prefer the windows up during car rides
You only want your food in bowls


A few things about you...

Your favorite phrase is 'Just one baby, only me...'
You always want to watch Dinosaur Train
You like getting out of the tub to pee in the toilet big boy style
You insist that you have ice with water at bedtime
You prefer the windows down during car rides
You only want your food on plates

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