Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Notable "First"

Yesterday, we experienced a very unique "first" worthy of mentioning...

This crazy little man stole my cell phone from the charging station, unlocked the screen with a clever swipe and pushed the "emergency call" button. Yup, he called 911 and they called right back to see if we were okay.  I was mortified and extremely apologetic...

Thanks for keeping us on our toes Alex!
                                    Mom & Dad

Monday, February 27, 2012

Bananas, Birthdays & Bark Dust

We celebrated all sorts of things this past weekend.  The rain, sleet, snow, hail and occasional sun breaks were the perfect reason to stay home and bake, clean, play and celebrate Aaron's birthday.

I finally got around to making a batch of banana bread...

My Sister's recipe and Mama's baking pans helped me create three yummy loaves for us to nibble on...

We watched squirrels dig in flower pots when it was too cold and wet to go outside...

When the rain stopped and the sunshine peaked through the clouds, we grabbed our coats and dashed outside.  The puddles were definitely splash worthy but playing with bark dust and Daddy at the park were tops...

We hope you had a good birthday Aaron.  You are the best father and husband in the world...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Never A Dull Moment...

It only takes a second of distraction...rinsing out a cup, blowing my nose, emptying the dryer...and these two have found something creative, destructive or dangerous (usually a combination of the three) to do.

Here are three examples from ONE afternoon...

They discovered the wrapping paper under the bed.  If/when I attempt to use any of the 20 feet they unrolled for upcoming occasions, people will undoubtedly assume that a pack of squirrels attacked their present.


Will discovered that his mutant strength (courtesy of his cheese diet) is enough to pull open the doors in my hutch leading to all things breakable.  Please note Alex handling (and attempting to eat) the plant in the background.

My favorite of the day involved Will's creative new take on tupperware.  He turned it over and used it as a stool to get a better vantage point in the cupboard that he wasn't supposed to be playing in.  (Alex pushed him off shortly after I took this picture and attempted to recreate the scene).

Never a dull moment around here...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Funny Valentine's

These two enjoyed the loot and love that came with their first Valentine's Day party...

I enjoyed the excuse to make a pile of Valentine's for their classmates...


Alex loves riding on Aaron's shoulders.

 Will loves to be chased.

Life sure is sweet with these three around.  
My heart is full.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Crafty Peeps

We were showered with handmade gifts awhile back and have been enjoying them ever since.  One of my dearest friends Sarah made us a gorgeous book.  I plan on recording life's little moments in it...

Auntie D and Uncle E dropped off their amazing bird mobiles during a visit the other day.  The boys and I love seeing them in their room.  The "twigs" are beaver chew!  I still can't imagine putting something like this together...twice.

Thank you everyone for the heartfelt and handcrafted gifts!