Sunday, January 29, 2012

An Apple A Day...

These days the boys really enjoy applesauce or whole apples, nothing in between.  Slices or carefully peeled chunks don't even get a second glance.  As you can see their little toofs really dig in and make their mark...

Will prefers to spin and whittle away on his apple...

While Alex's technique is more "all hands on deck"...

You should see how quickly these two can eat a banana!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reason No. 7,368 & 7,369

He makes me sandwiches with at least three different cheeses and is a nationally acclaimed Lego architect.  Just two more reasons why I love him...

Reason No. 7,368 & 7,369
Every day, you find a new way to fill our tummies and minds (and hearts too).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

15 Month Stats

You two enjoyed two more shots during your visit with the doctor earlier this month.  The tears you both whipped up earned you animal crackers and extra love pats from everyone in the room.

The nurse is still talking about your last visit.  Apparently you won her heart when she spotted you laying next to each holding hands. 

 30 inches
24 pounds 6 ounces

33.5 inches
26 pounds 4 ounces

Monday, January 23, 2012

15 Months

You two wake up and hit the ground running (after some milk, Cheerios and a banana).  We finally caved and transitioned you to the forward facing car seats last week.  Leaving in the mornings has been a little challenging but, I know we will master a new routine soon. 

The cats still provide constant entertainment for you. Poor Finn is used as a pillow and chew toy and Goose follows you with the hope of torture (you both never disappoint her).  Besides "Mama" and "Dada", your most consistent word is still some version of "Kitty".

Your Dad has been building impressive Duplo structures in the evenings that you immediately reduce to rubble Godzilla style.  Alex, you seem to really enjoy playing with all of the pieces.  Will, you get tired and start searching for something more interesting (and most likely, off limits).

You both love peanut butter toast, Pirate's Bootie and fresh pears.  You had your first tater tots during a lunch date a few weeks ago and clearly felt like grown-ups. Naps are still met with resistance and usually only last for about 20-30 minutes.


The Tupperware/all things plastic cupboard is now emptied all over the floor several times a day.  I had to move the scissors and fondue forks to higher ground once you discovered that you can reach into the silverware and utensil drawers.  You both are getting pretty good at closing the drawers or doors and moving on when I ask you, but it has taken some practice. 

The top three items that currently lead to the most scuffles are the Thomas the Train laptop your cousins brought over, the salad spinner and the wooden stick that we use to secure the sliding glass door. 


I love how you crinkle your nose when you smile.  Lately, you have a way of tilting your head back and throwing that wonderful grin our way. The flu hit you first a week or so ago and you were a horrible mess that made my heart ache (and later, my body ache when it was my turn to be sick).


You are fascinated with outlets and easily pry off the safety covers.  Same goes with the safety locks that we installed on the cabinet doors.  You like to get into the toilet paper, shred it and eat little pieces if given the chance (the best opportunity is always when your brother is in the tub).

The biting streak is back and has us all bruised dodging your open mouth hugs.  The other day your eight fierce front teeth left dents in two of Will's fingers.  Your first molar popped up last week and the rest of them are making you a sad, sad boy right now.  When it comes to brushing teeth, you would much rather chew on your toothbrush than let any bristles connect with enamel.

I love your high-step, rambling walk and how you interact with the pictures whenever we read you a story.  You wave your arms (raise the roof style) whenever you are happy, want more of whatever you are eating or hear music that you like.  Your easy going nature, independent play and patience is unrivaled and we love that you are working so hard at being "you".    



Your grin is charming and mischievous.  Walking is second nature for you and you cruise everywhere with ease. In fact, you are now using your skills to climb into and on everything.  Your favorite trick is to empty the toy bucket or basket and climb in. The other day the clean laundry became a step into the dryer.

You are still pointing at everything, only now you supply a running dialogue of gibberish.  If you could get away with it, you would prefer to be carried by me everywhere, especially if your brother wants to be held instead.  I love that you still snuggle and I hope I never forget the feel of your little head on my left shoulder. 

Unlike your brother, you will literally eat anything that I give you.  Your practice with the spoon has led to several direct "scores" in the past two weeks and your ''mmmm" sounds still follow any bite of food that really hits the spot.

You love blowing bubbles in the tub, brushing your teeth is a breeze and you continue to play with the shutters in your room when you should be sleeping.  Thank you for always having a giggle ready, trying new things and loving everyone in your own unique way.

                                                                                                      Mama & Daddy

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Looking Back...13 & 14 Months

Now that you are officially 15 months, I figured I should take a moment and document a few favorites and examples of mischief from months 13 and 14.

Your opinion on shopping at outlet stores...



Your frequent "nap time" crime (ahem, this is when you two SHOULD be sleeping)...

Your favorite toy...



Your favorite musical instrument...



Your favorite sidekicks...



Your favorite area in the kitchen...


Your policy on open doors...


Your skills with a spoon...



Peanut butter and pancakes, two of your favorite foods...



 You are truly two peas in a pod...