Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bucket List

Do I actually HAVE a bucket list?  Not officially.

Having said that, I challenged myself six months ago and ran my first half marathon.  My goals were simple.  I wanted to run the whole thing and finish. Both were accomplished despite the fact that I had a sinus infection and bronchitis.

For me, being fast wasn't the point.  It was all about accomplishing something and checking off that invisible box on my 'unofficial' list.  The only catch is, once you check off a box, the list becomes...well, a little more official.

'Tis the season to sit back and appreciate what you have and push yourself to find what you want out of life. So, I thought I would step up and challenge my creative side.  Big or small, anything that makes your learn or shine is worth it all...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

O Christmas Tree

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful DRY weather and venture out to get a Christmas tree today. Not only was this the earliest that we have ever cut a tree, it was the first time that the boys were able to come along for the fun. 

Boy did we ever have fun...

-Alex & Will-

The initial scan before starting the search for the perfect Christmas tree...
 -Alex & Aaron-

We scrambled, tumbled and occasionally paused to assess potential candidates...

Alex's top two finalists didn't make the cut...

Will carefully studied Daddy's tree selecting and cutting skills...

We celebrated when we discovered our perfect tree and returned to the car to throw rocks and climb fences...

Alex, Mama & Will-

 -Alex & Will-


After Aaron tied the tree to the car, we explored the giant selection of ornaments in the nearby building.  We ended up with a bus ornament in honor of the boys' recent fascination with buses...

Hurray for Christmas!

Friday, November 23, 2012


Yesterday was a day full of family, fun and food.  I am very thankful for the occasion to gather with loved ones and celebrate on such a special day...

We were so busy cooking, laughing and eating that I failed to take pictures of everyone.  Here are a few shots of critters big and small...

-Alex, Aaron & Will-

 -Cousin Kellen, Uncle Douglas & Will-

-Will, Cousin Kellen, Alex & Papa Terry-

-Uncle Matt-

 -Cousin Ilse-

Many thanks to everyone for bringing such amazing food.  I had to take a picture of the giant black pan full of gravy that was affectionately dubbed the 'gravy barge'...

-The Gravy Barge & Nana Terry (Gravy Maker)-


Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 2012

-Alex & Will-

 -Alex & Will-

In the last week, I noticed that you have been playing together without fighting ( much). It is wonderful to see you both playing TOGETHER and creating those brotherly bonds that everyone has been talking about.



The rainy weather and early sunsets have completely eliminated our chance for long walks. So, we make our indoor time fun with painting projects, play dough sculpting and Duplo building. There are also plenty of races around the kitchen island and moments when Elmo has something really important to say.

You insist on peeling your own fruit and like your apples whole (without stickers or stems of course).  Clementine oranges are heaven for you and a half dozen are consumed during every meal.


You are my kind little man with a huge heart. You wake up with a smile and hardly let on that you are experiencing the terrible two's via your brother.

Whenever you hear anything different and loud like a vacuum, truck, etc. you yell 'noise' over and over. Your vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds every day along with your charming ways. The other day I asked you to repeat the word 'please' because I couldn't hear you and you made the extremely exaggerated sign for 'please' instead of just saying the word louder.


My dear sweet boy, the terrible two's have claimed you. You throw fits often and baffle all of us including your brother. The guttural noise you make whenever you are displeased and launching into your latest tirade reminds me of a baby black bear.

Your daily theatrics completely amuse AND impress me.  Currently, your favorite dramedy involves Alex growling during tubby time and scaring you right into my arms.  We both scream and laugh after every lunge Alex makes until we all collapse in a wet hysterical pile. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Big Boy Beds

First Will started escaping from his crib, now Alex has joined in on the fun.  The other morning I found both boys in the same crib.  The next morning they had switched cribs (this was very confusing at 4:45 a.m.).

The most common arrangement involves Will sleeping on the floor or futon and Alex sleeping in Will's crib. I seriously never know what I am going to find in the morning...

Honestly, the idea of waking up to toddlers with broken parts started to keep me up at night. So, we transformed the cribs into toddler beds today.  They were clearly pleased with this development...

Look out world!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

October 2012

Where did the time go?  We are already halfway through November and I haven't even posted your stats from your two year wellness appointment back on Oct. 5th...
34 3/4 inches 
29 pounds 4 ounces

35 1/4 inches
31 pounds 9 ounces

October was full of opportunities to show off our hand-made lederhosen...



-School Fall Festival-

-Cool Costume Party-

Since we were lucky enough to attend so many parties, we kept Halloween simple and celebrated with bubbles, crafts and mac 'n' cheese...



Other things to note about this month...

You are all about taking long walks in the stroller again.  Our time outside is filled with searches for cats, buses, trucks, motorcycles and helicopters (copters).  It isn't unusual to spend 15 minutes in a driveway shrieking and pointing at random cats (you two are doing the shrieking, not me).  One of these days I expect someone will open their front door and ask us to leave their poor cats alone.

-Alex & Will-

-Alex & Will-

Our fun outside doesn't end with kitty searches, you also really love diving in leaf piles. We spent a solid 3 hours playing in various leaf piles the other day when we were on a pink eye quarantine at home.

Please don't grow out of your fascination for the world outside. I LOVE exploring, discovering and learning with you.


Your top three favorite new words are gross, yuck and naughty. These words are highly effective when you are trying to identify boogers, describe vegetables, and reprimand your brother.

The book about buses is your favorite, you insist on drinking tubby water every single night and you have started chanting 'Kitty, where are you?' on our walks.

You are the ninja of crib escapes. In the time it takes to look down and turn a page in a book, you have thrown a leg over and are headed for freedom.  The child gate on the door of your room contains your enthusiasm overnight, so you usually grab a quilt and sleep on the futon until morning.


Your top three favorite new words are noodles, copter and hand.  The moon always catches your attention whether it is in the sky or in a book.  During trips in the car, you call out animal, goggle (bicycle), bus, truck and car.

'Goodnight Goon' is your favorite book right now. You will back into our laps and ask us to read it over and over again.

You are a master of manipulation. That sweet voice of yours calls out 'hand' every night at lights out and when you little fingers reach through the crib bars I melt. I now spend every evening stretched out on the futon with my hand in yours between the crib bars. Since I don't get to cuddle with you often enough, it is the next best thing.

Every moment is the greatest with you two!