Thursday, February 28, 2013

January 2013

You two silly sassy squirrels make my day EVERY single day.  I love hearing new words and phrases, especially when they are shared between you.  Current repeat favorites include...

Be right back...
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
Hey...don't do that!
I got it...
Let me do it...
Stop it brother!

The highchairs haven't been used in weeks now that you are eating like big boys at the table.  Noodles are still your number one favorite food.  Other foods that are consumed quickly are applesauce, cheese, olives, raisins, blueberries and buckets of multi-grain Cheerios.

When I ask you what color something is you both always answer green.  You are better at counting to ten in Spanish and your favorite song to sing is 'Wheels on the Bus'.

Crafts are taking a backseat to our walks and quick trips to the park between rain storms.  Counting cats is still a crowd favorite.

Your favorite books right now are...

Where the Wild Things Are 
Goodnight Moon
The Racecar Alphabet
Richard Scarry's Biggest Word Book Ever!


You LOVE excavators.  The past few weeks, there have been two excavators parked at a construction site that we pass every day on the way to school.  You always say 'hello' and 'goodbye' to them as we pass them in and out of the neighborhood.

Your little puppy whine and big pout are absolutely scrumptious.  It is clear that you know the power of this double whammy combination because there is a hint of smile pulling at the corners of your pout.

Right now you start every response to a question with an long drawn out 'Ummm....'

I watched you a kiss a girl at school yesterday. The tenderness and caring that you show everyone truly makes me a proud Mama.


You LOVE planes and helicopters.  Every morning during our trip in and out of the car you pause and scan the sky for signs of flight.  Inevitably, you spot the blinking lights of a plane far away and point it out to me.

Whenever you feel things are unfair, you storm off to the nearest room and slam the door behind you.  You can execute the limpness of a full body noodle perfectly but will giggle and wiggle after only a hint of a tickle.

You are still waking up during the night and starting the day at 4:30 a.m. (sometimes earlier).  When you are up, you hit the ground running and look for Goose your daytime pillow.  Feeding the cats every morning has become your duty.  I am so proud that you consider and remember the needs others.

Thanks for warming our hearts and opening our minds...

                                                                                             Mama & Daddy

Helicopters, Planes & Buttons...Oh My!

We took the boys to the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum nearly a month ago...

We figured it was the perfect place to take two boys who notice every plane and helicopter in the sky.  Of course, our adventure would not have been complete without our trusty sidekicks Nana and Papa.

 -Alex & Papa-

We arrived early and nearly had the place to ourselves. The toys, gadgets and buttons in the kids area immediately caught our attention.  All of those things are better than candy for the boys...




I had no idea how HUGE the Spruce Goose really was until I saw it in person. The museum truly had an impressive array of things to look at...

The boys clearly enjoyed themselves...

-Alex & Will-



We are already looking forward to our next visit!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Gimme a 'P'

Alex officially pooped in the toilet for the first time this morning.  Applause, loud cheering, a parade and cookies followed. He was pretty excited and I was surprised.  Of course, it will most likely be seven months before it happens again but you never know. 

Parenthood makes you post some seriously strange things...