Sunday, April 22, 2012

Boys DIG Dirt

Sunshine + Dirt + Sticks = The PERFECT Weekend.



Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sick Critters

We have been battling the "super cold" at our house for the past week.  If you are looking for wheezy lungs, junky coughs and plenty of tears, our house is the place to be.  We have steamed up the bathroom so many times the past few days, I wouldn't be surprised if the paint started peeling.

I snapped this picture of Alex with my phone on Tuesday morning after we had dropped off Will (who caught up with the rest of us sickies on Wednesday).  Poor Alex doesn't do well with any type of sickness. I have to admit that I am pretty much over coughing myself.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ding Dong

We love saying ridiculous things to the boys...Two heads bashing together results in "coconut" and any other collision with a stationary object (this happens at least half a dozen times a day) is followed by "bonk".  Now "ding dong" accompanies the action of ringing little belly buttons...

The boys think it's hilarious and I love the fact that those two words lead to an immediate search for an unsuspecting belly button. Parenting unique children is a snap. Being a unique parent is a snap.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Bunny Brothers William and Alexander definitely enjoyed the holiday this year.  The rabbit ears provided a solid 2 minutes of entertainment before egg dying...

-Funny Bunny Will-

-Funny Bunny Alex-

After breakfast, the boys hunted for eggs and emptied their Easter buckets.  The disaster was noteworthy, as was the speed that Will found and opened the eggs so that he could consume the single jelly belly inside.  Poor Alex didn't stand a chance, so he just played with what was left...

Brunch at Grandma and Grandpa's was wonderful and so was the weather.  Max the super dog, bubbles and swinging on the porch were a few of the top favorites...

 -Happy Easter Everyone-

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Big 1 - 8

You two officially turned 18 months old today.  We celebrated with a quick trip to the park and spaghetti, which you both LOVE.  I didn't slow down for real pictures because you were serious about getting food FAST but I managed to snap a few with my phone while you stuffed yourselves...



We love each and every new thing that you do and can't wait to explore every day with you.  In fact, we have been so busy savoring every minute and discovery that we have fallen behind on our blog.  Stay tuned for belated posts, including one capturing your 17 month highlights.
                                                                                                     Your Mum & Dah