Saturday, November 17, 2012

Big Boy Beds

First Will started escaping from his crib, now Alex has joined in on the fun.  The other morning I found both boys in the same crib.  The next morning they had switched cribs (this was very confusing at 4:45 a.m.).

The most common arrangement involves Will sleeping on the floor or futon and Alex sleeping in Will's crib. I seriously never know what I am going to find in the morning...

Honestly, the idea of waking up to toddlers with broken parts started to keep me up at night. So, we transformed the cribs into toddler beds today.  They were clearly pleased with this development...

Look out world!

1 comment:

  1. Big boy beds! How cool, and scary at the same time! But once it works out it is awesome! Hunter and Grace share a room and have bunk beds and they became pros at their new sleeping arrangements. Me, it took a few nights :) Good luck!
