Sunday, November 25, 2012

O Christmas Tree

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful DRY weather and venture out to get a Christmas tree today. Not only was this the earliest that we have ever cut a tree, it was the first time that the boys were able to come along for the fun. 

Boy did we ever have fun...

-Alex & Will-

The initial scan before starting the search for the perfect Christmas tree...
 -Alex & Aaron-

We scrambled, tumbled and occasionally paused to assess potential candidates...

Alex's top two finalists didn't make the cut...

Will carefully studied Daddy's tree selecting and cutting skills...

We celebrated when we discovered our perfect tree and returned to the car to throw rocks and climb fences...

Alex, Mama & Will-

 -Alex & Will-


After Aaron tied the tree to the car, we explored the giant selection of ornaments in the nearby building.  We ended up with a bus ornament in honor of the boys' recent fascination with buses...

Hurray for Christmas!

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