Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Sick Day

The boys both have a bad cold and were a complete mess on Tuesday night.  Poor Alex was really suffering so I steamed up the bathroom and held him until his coughing finally stopped.  Nothing is sweeter than a naked, sleepy baby who only wants a good snuggle with his Mama.  They were such a sad sight that they ended up staying home to recover yesterday...

We played with blocks, read stories, chased the cats, cried and blew noses, ate chicken, barley and zucchini, and cried some more.  Napping apparently was not something that either of them had on their agenda so I loaded them in the stroller and took them for a walk.  Their standoff with sleep lasted half a block...

The TLC, Vick's Baby Rub and second steam session did the trick.  They are feeling much better today...

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