Friday, October 14, 2011

12 Month Stats

You both passed your 12 month check-up last Friday with flying colors.  I however, quickly determined that I needed my super human powers to calm, corral and cuddle two naked babies who despised the idea of staying ON the exam table together.  If you want pure comedy, stop by the doctors office during our follow-up appointment in November.

Despite your wiggles, you managed to recover fairly quickly from FOUR shots each.  The band-aid line-up during tubby time later that night was impressive.

Our 18 month goals are to be bottle and binkie free.  We are 100% accomplished on the second and about 50% on the first.  Now if I could only get you to do your laundry...

30.25 inches
23 pounds 8 ounces

30 inches
22 pounds 4 ounces


  1. Well no wonder they fuss. That is a lot of shots for one day. Poor little guys! Give them a big hug for me.
    Love ya.

  2. They are so big and absolutely gorgeous! I don't envy you wrangling those 2 at appointments, especially with all those shots! Yikes!!
