Sunday, July 1, 2012

20 Month Stats

It has been nearly a month since I wrangled you two into the doctor's office to get your latest round of shots.  Nobody warned me about the "extreme anxiety" that most children experience during their 18-20 month check-up.  Sure I had a roll of crackers and toys in my purse, but nothing could prepare me for the howling and tears that started the moment your clothes were taken off and didn't end until we were kindly escorted out of the office. 

Honestly, the wailing was so loud our gracious and most wonderful pediatrician had to stand two feet from me and shout her questions.  I will say that holding 55+ pounds of naked angry babies for over an hour builds character (and muscle).  That, and I might invest in a small handheld vacuum if I ever plan on letting you eat crackers in a place that doesn't have a flock of pigeons standing by to clean-up.

Needless to say, I can't wait until your two year appointment in October.  I was assured that there will be less tears...

33.5 inches
28 pounds 8 ounces

33.25 inches
27 pounds 4 ounces


  1. Girl, I hate to tell you it gets worse. I give shots to your kiddos age younger and older everyday. And let me give you some heads up as they get older it gets worse. My advise with twins is either bring Aaron, your MIL, or a friend, or bring each child seperatly cause if you want to come out of the well child check without wanting a glass of wine doing it by yourself you need an extra set of hands. As a help just call your clinic after they turn a new age like the next one is 2 years and see how many shots they will get and if you think you can do it go for it by yourself if not take help :) Your sons are way too cute, by the way!~

  2. HAH! I can't thank you enough for your advice. Although, I have a feeling that I will still need a glass of wine no matter what I do after a well child check.
