Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Potty Gold

The boys have been expressing interest in the "potty" lately. So, I did what any optimistic mother buying diapers for twins would do, I bought a potty seat. It arrived in the mail today and I introduced the boys to the new guest in the bathroom after dinner.

Sure enough, when I asked Alex if he wanted to potty after his bath, he nodded his head. He sat right down on that seat and peed in the toilet like he has been doing it for years. Never in a million years did I think one of them would successfully use it on the very FIRST try. 

Holy Olympic gold medal Batman! Needless to say, Aaron and I were pretty impressed and applauded Alex's big boy moves. Will he do it again? Not sure, but at least we are getting a head start.


  1. Good job Alex! Isn't it the best feeling in the world to know your kiddo went potty in the toilet!!!! The fun has just begun! :)

