Tuesday, April 2, 2013


A few things about your midway day between 2 and 3...

Will, you were up at 5:15 am imitating a Mourning Dove call. You followed your call with "Who's awake, me too." (That is how I describe the Great Horned Owl call).

You both had pancakes for breakfast.


Alex, you traded your blue cup for a red cup and dissolved into complete hysterics when you didn't get a green plate.

You both had garbanzo beans, snap peas, carrots and hummus for a snack. There were requests for more carrots and a heaping spoonful of hummus.


When I asked you (Will) what you wanted to do after a rousing adventure outside, you said you wanted to "Relax on the couch."

You both ate Annie's Mac N Cheese and strawberries for dinner.

After building a Duplo village, I proposed that we start tubby time. Your (Alex) sassy reply was "Not today Mama, too busy."

Once I talked you into the tub you both mixed up batches of bubble water pancakes, oranges, rice and eggs in your buckets.

We whisked you out of the tub and finished the day with stories. As usual, you wanted to read multiple books and requested water with ice when it was time to lay down and listen to Daddy's final lights out tale.

Look out 3, here we come...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love these picture! I see they like dandelions.

  3. :) Love your posts and 3's are fun! Have more wine on hand and enjoy the ride it is going to be fun and it will fly so fast! Your boys are getting so big and our so handsome!
