Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It turns out that Alexander and amoxicillin don't mix after all.  Red welts started appearing all over his body at an alarming rate yesterday evening.  We were told to give him doses of benadryl every four hours through the night and watch for signs of anaphylaxis.  Yet another visit to the doctor this morning confirmed that he is experiencing a "drug eruption" (sounds like a bad remix of a Van Halen song).  Basically Alexander's adverse reaction to the amoxicillin is showing up in the form of hives.  Apparently these hives look horrifying but don't cause any true discomfort or itching.  Since he looks so sad, I am posting a recent picture (sans hives) to help boost his ego...

Hugs to my tough little man!


  1. Same thing happened to Emmett with his first ear infection (at 2 yr). He finished the course, then broke into hives and vomiting. Fun.

  2. Ack! I am grateful that we got to skip the vomiting this time. Looking forward to seeing you and the crew some time soon.
